Bryllupsdagen på etterskudd

Min mann og jeg har hatt bryllupsdag den 20. desember. Men ettersom det ikke passet med å feire den dagen, gjorde vi det i går sammen med den lille familieflokken i nærheten. 32 år har vi vært gift.

Vi spiste på et sted som heter Melissa. Her er gjengen og hva de fleste spiste.

Takk for titten. I dag har vi bare slappet av.

Hva har du gjort i dag?


Do you lack wisdom?


In this verse, God is telling us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask him who gives generously to all without finding fault.  When I think about it, we need to ask God for wisdom every day because we make decisions each day about which thoughts we should think, the right words to speak, the right movies or series to watch, articles or news to read or listen and which people we should let in our lives, and whom we should give help or not.

We need wisdom too on how to use the blessings that God is giving us like money, time, abilities, resources, talents, knowledge, and strength. In addition, we need wisdom from God on how to treat people with whom we interact every day and most important of all, how to share the good news.

When we think about it, we are very much dependent on God in everything if we want to follow his plan for our lives.

The best thing to do of course is to stay in contact with God 24/7. It said also in the verse that God gives wisdom generously without finding fault. We can just ask God no matter what it is that is troubling us because He loves us and want the best for us. And when God grants us the wisdom that we asked, we ought to do what he says we should do or else why should we ask anyway if we don’t want to obey?

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the reminder to ask You for wisdom. It made me realize that I need to ask You a lot concerning my life and the lives of my loved ones. As for myself, I really need wisdom from You badly because my brain is constantly foggy and many times, I could not think clearly. So, I thank You that I can come to You and ask for help.

I pray Lord for each one of us not to adapt wisdom from this world that takes us away from You. I pray Lord that our hearts will desire more of You and less of the world and all its glitters of lies and short-term happiness. I pray that we should not just ask You for wisdom just to know Your opinion and obey if it is convenient. But ask You with the aim to obey what you will tell us to do. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen


Endelig kom sola

Jeg lengtet etter å se solen i Norge, sa en av mine barnebarna her. Og endelig i går kom det frem og vi benyttet sjansen å være ute.

Vi besøkte kanon i Austrått som ble brukt under andre verdens krig.

Fin utsikt på toppen

Nedover veien

Futura barnehage i bakrunn på Ørland


I trollskogen

Vi fant ikke troll, men vi hadde det fint:)

Engang i livet

Aldri skjedd før og muligens det blir bare denne ene gangen at disse to barnebarna feirer jul i Norge sammen med oss. Så vi må forevige øyeblikkene.

Tok et bilde hjem før vi dro til min søsters

Hos min søster

Det største hjemmejuletreet jeg har sett som min svoger hentet i skogen


Åpning av gaver.

Vi hadde også en del lek midt i slagene og ice breaker questions som frembrakte masse latter

Er veldig takknemlig til min søster for en uforglemmelig jul hos dem.

Vidunderlig vinter

Endelig dagen er kommet. Juleaften. Jeg regner med at du er veldig opptatt. Det er ikke sikkert at du har tid til å lese blogginnleggene engang:)

Ettersom vi er invitert til min søster, jeg trenger ikke å ordne noe til mat for i dag. Jeg skal en tur til butikken likevel for å handle litt.

I tilfelle du er innom deler jeg ut bilder fra gårsdagen tur med barnebarna hvor solen tittet litt frem.

Norge i sitt beste.

Takk for titten og god jul:)

Tur til kirkegård og moloen

Jeg har planlagt lenge å besøke graven til min søster og svigerforeldre i juletiden og ta med mine to barnebarna slik at de kan også se gravene. Og en dag gjorde vi det da sola begynte å vise litt. 

Mine to barnebarna ville posere  seg ved siden av vår nye bil. Min mann bestilte den i mai måned, men den kom nå i desember. Julegave i rød pakning:) 

Jeg var litt redd å kjøre den til å begynne med siden jeg hadde ikke kjørt bil for nesten 3 måned og særlig i glatte føre, men det gikk bra. 

Etter kirkegård kjørte vi til moloen på Uthaug slik at de fikk se seg rundt og forevige øyeblikk.

Det var isende glatt derfor vi gikk ikke hele moloen

Mens vi var der kom da et helikopter å bare snurre rundt over oss. Vi lurte på på de var ute etter oss:)

Men det dro avgårde etter en stund

Mer bilder

Takk for titten og nå er det snart jul og derfor god jul til deg:)

Tør du å gå tur når det er glatt?

Forrige innlegg: Første skituren

The greatest gift


This verse tells me that God the Father is generous and when He gives gifts, He gives them generously. And gifts from Him are pure. A gift from heaven. Not a gift that He bought from the biggest shopping mall or ordered from the Internet. It was not wrapped in the most expensive gift paper, but in a piece of cloth in a manger many years ago. But that gift still applies today.

He gives gifts so that we can be restored and be there where He wanted us to be. And His most precious gift was Jesus Christ so we can be cleansed from all sin. A gift that cost God everything.

Sad to say that sometimes people don’t want to accept God’s precious gift. Although God sacrificed so much by letting Jesus die for the sins of humanity.

It seems that this world’s temporary gifts are more appealing to many. Short-lived pleasures and popularity are more attractive than life with God.

Maybe you will say that you don’t need to be saved because you can manage it on your own. But admit it or not we all need a Savior because we are not perfect. In the Bible, it said that “all of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. “

 (Rom. 3.23)

In addition, we cannot just go on breaking laws without consequences. God’s law or human laws. We will pay the penalty in one way or another. But our sins against God had been paid by Jesus Christ so that we can go free. We only need to repent and ask for forgiveness. We need to receive the gift.

Not likely if break a law in this world. We will surely be punished if we get caught or suffer the consequences.

It is Christmas time and now is the time to receive the greatest gift of all.


Father God, I thank You for Your precious gift to us. We don’t need to deserve that gift like a gift from Santa. We should be nice first. Your gift is for everyone. Rich or poor. Sinner or saint. Sick or healthy. Young or old. With that I am so grateful. I pray and give thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen



Gikk på ski første gangen

Bestemor, kan vi gå på ski i morgen? Spurte min eldste barnebarn her. Det var meldt sludd og regn, men jeg sa ja fordi det er meldt bare slike vær fremover og de har bare korte stund her.

Heldigvis hadde vi skiutstyr liggende

hjemme. Og dagen etter, dro vi til et skianlegg i nærheten.

Min mann måtte lære dem først hvordan de skulle gjøre det. Og gjett om barnebarna koset seg uansett vær. Det var sludd.

Se på smilet:) Zyrish

Falt ned mange ganger

Gutten Zimon

Havnet utenfør skiløype og falt også mange ganger:)

Prøvde akebrett isteden etter at de har funnet ut at det var ikke lett å gå på ski:) Og så mye latter jeg fikk høre.

Min snille mann lekte med dem

Etter stund, da vi alt var våte og en skisko har kapitulert og akebretten gikk i stykker, avsluttet vi leken. Jeg var fotografen:)

Vi var de eneste folk i skianlegget på grunn av dårlig vær. Vi avsluttet turen med varm kakao og brødskiver som jeg hadde med meg.

Det skjer også en del ting med andre familie medlemmer.

Yngste datter er i Kuala Lumpur akkurat nå

Takk for følge:)



Matthew 7:12 In everything, do to others what you would have them to you.

Reflection: What do I actually want others to do to me?

Of course, I want others to be kind to me. Help me when I need help. Care for me and respect me, but also teach and correct me when it is necessary.

But what about those who had been cruel to me? I did learn a lesson from them in one way or another. Not that I want to be cruel to others just to teach them a lesson. If someone had wronged me, God would do justice just as I had experienced.

My goal in life should be then to show empathy to others. Respect their feelings, but rebuke or correct them if it is necessary. Although I have problems correcting other people for fear of hurting their feelings. Just like that, I get hurt when corrected.

In later years, I began to understand that those who corrected me often had the right intentions. And if I think that what I am doing is right, I just keep quiet. And the most important thing is to see the truth in God’s Words.

In addition, it helps to understand those cruel people. Maybe they are hurting too or just jealous. Then, it is not about me or my failures, mistakes, or successes, but about their situations in life. It helps to be humble, to be tolerant, and understanding, and the most important thing is to forgive just as I had been forgiven by God.


Father God, I thank You for reminding me to show love to others just as You had loved me and just what I want them to do to me. It will not be easy, so I need help from You every day. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen