Vakre solnedganger!

Jeg elsker solnedganger. Blir aldri lei av dem. De varierer fra dag til dag. Hva synes du?


Leaving you this quote to ponder!



Ut på tur…aldri sur!

Det var en fin dag på sykehjemmet der jeg jobber og jeg trillet derfor en beboer   ute en tur for å se på vår blomstene og rett og slett nyte det fine været.

Og underveis, tok vi bilder…. som dere får se.

Masse  vår blomster…

Det var en del artige figurer også i forskjellige hager. Artig å se på dem.

Er det rådyr?

en stor marihøne

hvem er han?

Herr og fru troll. Fikk lov å ta bilde av dem fra eieren som var ute i hagen:)

Denne likte jeg selv om det er gammelt:) Den har sin sjarm!

Hva me d deg? Liker du å ta bilder når du går turer?


Captions of the day!

Beste plass på jord å ta bilder av blomster er på et gartneri. Tok muligheten da jeg en dag kjøpte planter.

Herlig. Jeg publiserte en del før her.

Enn du? Har du kjøpt en del uteplanter i det siste?


Avslutter dette innlegget med bønn for dagen:

Takk Jesus fordi når du får komme inn…

lar du den blinde se sannheten….

den døve får høre din vakre stemme….

som sier at du elsker hver og en.

De fattige blir fylt av håp på et bedre liv.

De som er i mørke får se lyset.

De urene blir rene.

Du viser veien til de som er fortapt.

Du forandrer de døde til levende vesener,

som igjen skaper liv rundt seg.

Jeg var blind…men du lot meg se sannheten…

Jeg var døv…men du hjalp meg  høre din stemme som sier:

” Jeg elsker deg som du er.”

Jeg var fattige…men du løftet meg opp fra grøften…

til et bedre liv.

Jeg var i mørke, nå kan jeg bade i ditt lys.

Jeg var fortapt…men nå går jeg livets vei…

Takk for et nytt liv.

Et levende liv  og mulighet til å spre det videre rundt meg.


Extraordinary Designs!


                                   These 29 Extraordinary Designs Are Very Superb! 

1. Creepy coffin-shelf!


2. Toilet-scooter? Wow!



3. Guitar-bowl? Haha..



4. Flower- urinal..




5. Perfect bathroom..


6. Another one..



7. Umbrella made in Star Wars?



8. Oh dude! There?s a man in the fridge!



9. This is made for ALC_H_L_C_!


10. This one is for? you tell?


11. Meant for babies..



12. Cute lamp!



13. And what?s the date, Mr.Calendar?


14. Oh! Mr. Homer Simpson is eating donuts in the ecscalator! He might eat you up too!


15. And that?s the best ad ever!


16. Really built for the kill.. of the passengers.. haha!



17. Muggy.. muggy..



18. Tube Station


19. Let?s play billiards!


20. Talented interior designer!


21. Such a book lover!


22. Puzzle.. I?m puzzled!


23. Creepy bed covers..


24. Another toilet bowl.. into the sea..


25. Sand castle perfect for this summer!



26. Bloody ear buds!


27. Have your dreams underneath the sea..


28. And this is what you call stair-slide!


29. Sexy fence!






Balsam for sjelen!

Far, jeg ber for dine ord til å være balsam for sjelen for hver og en.

Som en vakker blomst å se på.


Et vakkert landskap å vandre igjennom.

La oss se alle nyansene av fargene.


Oppleve kraften fra dine ord.



Bli fylt av visdommen fra det levende ordet. 



Fyll oss med glede mens vi vandrer den smale veien til ditt rike.


La oss være en kanal for din helbredende kraft.


Være lys i mørke.


Gi oss kraft til å motstå fristelsen til å gå vår egne veier.


Tålmodighet i bønn.


Utholdenhet gjennom livets utfordringer.

Nok kjærlighet til å elske våre fiender.

Jeg ber det i Jesu navn. 


Awesome shots!

Deler mer til dere disse fantastiske bildene!

Frozen Methane Bubbles

Frozen Methane Bubbles are formed in water when dead organic matter falls to the bottom.

Frozen Methane Bubbles

Methane Bubbles

 Underwater Crop Circles

This Underwater Crop Circles can be found on the seabed at around 7 feet wide.

Underwater Crop CirclesUnderwater Crop Circles

 Spotted Lake, Canada

Once water evaporates from this lake near Osoyoos, British Columbia,

experts believe that minerals left behind and leave this strange lily pad pattern of circles.

Spotted Lake, CanadaSpotted Lake, Canada

Red Crab Migration, Christmas Island

Red Crab Migration in Christmas Island, happens every October and November, to where there are around 120 million crabs migrated and stays at least 18 days.

Red Crab Migration, Christmas IslandRed Crab Migration, Christmas Island

 Lenticular Clouds

This is formed when moist air flows over a mountain and piles into large and layered clouds.

Lenticular CloudsLenticular Clouds

 The Flowering Desert, Chile

The Flowering Desert in Chile called as the barren Atacama desert which sprawls with gorgeous flowers only happens every few years.

The Flowering Desert, ChileThe Flowering Desert, Chile

The Sardine Run, South Africa

The Sardine Run in South Africa happens every May to July every year.

The Sardine Run, South AfricaThe Sardine Run, South Africa

Nacreous Clouds

Nacreous Clouds formed during an extreme polar winters.

Nacreous CloudsNacreous Clouds

 The Monarch Butterfly Migration

Monarch butterflies traveling from North America towards Mexico, covering most of the trees is extremely amazing.

The Monarch Butterfly MigrationThe Monarch Butterfly Migration

 Danxia Landforms

The colorful rock transformation are formed by mineral deposits laid down over millions of years.

Danxia Landforms

Fire Rainbows

These are formed by light that reflect  from ice crystals in high level clouds.

Fire Rainbows

 Columnar Basalt

The Columnar Basalt are perfectly created which already seemed like artificial, but they?re not.

Columnar BasaltColumnar Basalt

The Black Sun

These occurs during spring in Denmark, to where million European starlings gather into a single group.

The Black SunThe Black Sun

 Sky Punch

These large gaps in clouds occurs when ice crystal in the cloud begin to evaporate.

Sky PunchSky Punch


This is the rarest and considered as the most dangerous type of storm


 Hverir, Iceland

These rare phenomenon occurs during the Northern Lights, which the place looks like an alien world.

Hverir, Iceland

 Spherical Boulders, Moeraki, New Zealand

This  spherical boulders that have formed at Koekohe Beach,

were originally formed under the sea floor in a process that saw sediment, such as sand, hardened into stone.

Spherical Boulders, Moeraki, New Zealand

 The Almost Never-Ending Wave, Brazil

Pororoca in Brazil, is considered as surfable tidal wave that travels as far as 500 miles up the Amazon River ? and at times ? can reach 12 feet high.



Based on study, sea-foam is created by impurities in the ocean,

such as salts, chemicals, dead plants, decomposed fish and excretions from seaweed.

Sea Foam

Are you amazed like me?


Fantastiske bilder!


Asperatus Clouds

Since it is a rare phenomenon, the  Asperatus Clouds were only classified in the year 2009.

Asperatus Clouds

 Green Flash Sunsets and Sunrises

When the sun starts to dip below or rise above the horizon,

Naturen byr på masse fantastiske bilder og her er noen av dem.

Be amazed!

Green Flash Sunsets and Sunrises, eventually formed which only occurs for a few seconds.

Green Flash Sunsets and Sunrises

 Calcifying Lakes

This lake is considered as the most calcifying lake because of its high salt content,

and the moment that animals take a dip their body may turn into stone.

Calcifying LakesCalcifying LakesCalcifying Lakes

 Mammatus Cloud

When air and clouds holding different levels of moisture mix, Mamatus are eventually formed hanging underneath the base of a cloud.

Mammatus Cloud

Bioluminescent Wave

These waves sparkle came from marine microbes called phytoplankton that glow in the dark.

Bioluminescent WaveBioluminescent Wave

Blue Holes

The Blue Holes with a massive underwater caves was develop during the past ages.

Blue Holes

 Venezuela?s Everlasting Storm

Venezuela?s Everlasting Storm can be found in the the mouth of the Catatumbo River.

This rare phenomenon occurs up to 160 nights a year, 10 hours per day, and 280 times an hour.

Venezuela?s Everlasting Storm

 Fields of Webs

Believe it or not, those are thousands of spider webs formed in the field of Australia.


Fields of Webs

Fields of Webs

 Fairy Circles, Namibia

According to Scientist, these mysterious patches appears are formed by termites that live under these circles and consume the vegetation within, so that rain keeps the soil moist. You can see thousands of these patches if you fly from Angola to South Africa.

Fairy Circles, Namibia


More to see in my upcoming post!


Blomster til deg!


                                                                                                                        Flowers for you all!





Father God…I pray that we will always love each

 other as you loved us. 

To forgive because we too were forgiven.


Be an encourager to all we meet in our lives.

Be faithful in all circumstances to you and to our loved ones.

I pray that we will be bold enough to proclaim the truth from your words.

To be obedient to your will. 

To show respect to you and to others as well.

Let us be joyful in good times and 

hard times

 because you are with us.

Make your peace saturate our souls

 when trouble comes.

Be thankful for everything. 

Be an inspiration.

Show your beauty through us.


Be kind to  one another.

I pray in Jesus name.


Flower’s captions!