Being special!

Thank you Lord for taking the time to listen to us when we call unto thee. You know our thoughts and the desires of our hearts. 


Let us desire to know your thoughts too and and the desires of your heart.  To be leaded  by your hands unto the unknown path that is too scary to travel alone. 



Thank you for putting your words in our hearts. For creating us and continue molding us into perfectness. 




Praise you God God for watching over us although it makes you sad when we go on our own way. 



But still,  even if we rise on the wings of the dawn, if we settle in the far side of the sea, even there will you guide us. There are no places too dark for you

I thank you for removing the dark places in our souls and letting us shine with your light. We are your works and we are wonderfully made.  For making us feel special and for having a special God!

I pray in Jesus name. 



Bildene er fra Kragerø hvor jeg har vært nylig.



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